EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

21 iulie 2011

The International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2011) is the 13th biannual conference organized by the Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) and will be held from 11 to 15 September 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.

The main targets of ICCE 2011 are:

  • To link pioneering research with existing and up-coming environmental issues.
  • To discuss fundamental and applicable aspects related to the fate of chemicals in the environment.
  • To generate awareness for emerging contaminants.

The themes presented in the conference  are the following:

  • Emerging organic and inorganic contaminants;
  • Nanomaterials;
  • Drinking water quality and treatment including groundwater contamination;
  • Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols;
  • Soil and sediment pollution;
  • Biochemical and chemical transformation processes;
  • Model evaluation and model prediction for the environmental fate of chemicals;
  • Effects to organisms and ecosystems.

The deadline for registration is on August 19th, 2011, while  poster abstract submission is possible until August 1st, 2011.  Click here for more information about the abstract submission.


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