The International Conference Environment – Landscape – European Identity will be held November 4 – 6, 2011 in Bucharest, Romania.
The relevance of the themes covered by the conference is strengthened by three outstanding recent events: 2010 was the International Year of Biodiversity, in October 2010 was celebrated the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention and 2011 was declared as International Year of Forests. The conference language will be English, but the organizer can provide translation to/from Romanian.
- Environment (environmental quality in residential and metropolitan areas, environmental impact assessments, techniques for mapping environmental quality)
- Conservation biology (conservation planning, modelling species distribution, management of the Natura 2000 network)
- Landscape (historical mapping for landscape reconstruction, landscape decomposition, landscapes’ third dimension – landscape metrics, enforcement of the European Landscapes Convention)
- Regional geography and geopolitics (regional and inter-regional development, cross-border cooperation, cultural models – European identity, geopolitical structure changes)
- Geomorphology – Pedology
- GIS applications
- Human geography – Economical geography (Rural and urban environments – economy, policies; Territorial disparities – consequences and solution; Sustainable development of human settlements)
- Tourism (tourism role in the development of regional politics, use of modern technologies in evaluating touristic potential, quantitative and qualitative methods used in touristic assessment and prognosis)
- Hydrology (management and evaluation of water resources, hydrological phenomenon, urban hydrology, politics for managing flood risks)
- Meteorology and climatology (local and applied climatology, climate changes, climatic indicators for managing risks and resources, agrometeorology)
Deadline for submitting extended abstract (abstract should have a minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 1000 words) is September 10, 2011. Click here for details regarding abstract submission.